Reservation Plugin

This WordPress Plugin is for receiving, managing and handling bookings easily. It can be used for any reservation type content for hotels, car rentals, events, B&B’s, appointments or conferences, and many more.

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  • Available in widgets and as a chortcode
  • Calendar is connected with on-page form and widget
  • Shows avalaible resources and works like datepicker for form



  • There is main form shortcode for reservation
  • You can build own in administration
  • Forms are also avalaible in widgets


Control Panel

  • Customer can manage all his reservations
  • You can contact each other easily with built-in messenger
  • It’s really effective with payment gateways as a premium feature


Search Resources

  • You can search with criteria predefined in administration
  • Result can be listed or shown as a table
  • Just create a page and insert a shortcode

Header widget area

We modified header widget area to set floating or static position. You can add any widget in widgets options so
it's really effective for reservation widget.

Chargemente en cours de…
  • Floating header widget area

    Floating header widget area

  • Static header widget area

    Static header widget area

  • Settings of header widget area

    Settings of header widget area

This plugin can save your time and money. Free features are enough for solid management of your business. You can extend your plugin with many more premium features. All features are already designed, you have to only download and install plugin free or buy premium version.